Monday, March 28, 2011

Looking Outwards for Inspiration

Constantly looking inwards for inspiration is akin to digging for treasure and discovering a mass grave. And so I have been suffering the cliched, albeit timeless struggle of, How long can I indulge my dark side before it completely consumes me? Normally, I find it incredibly difficult and counter-intuitive to enjoy art and literature while I am trying to be creative - it is an exhausting and futile task, akin to swimming against the tide. So then, How to reconcile my love of reading, the enjoyment of observing and contemplating art, and the need to learn and expand my knowledge, with the want to produce original, uncorrupted art???
I have decided to attack this dilemma head-on. The other day I began this daunting task by tackling a not-so-daunting novel by Ayn Rand called Anthem, which explores the concept of the individual in a Dystopian future. This has inspired me to explore the theme of Dystopia and how I envision it.

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